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Current Projects happening at Healthy Pine River:

  • Funding and Distributing Pine River water testing results (testing done by Alma College).
  • Compiling and distributing information about the pollution in the Pine River.
    • This includes description of the pollutants: what they are, how prevalent they are in our watershed, where this pollution came from, how it impacts the Pine River, and the ways to reduce this pollution.
  • Distributing Safe Septic Information
    • Faulty and outdated septic systems are a major E. coli pollution source
  • Septic Liaison servicing rural communities (Riverdale, Elm Hall, Sumner, Elwell).
    • Eliminate pollution at its source – untreated septic system waste discharge into the Pine River and its tributaries (from improperly installed and faulty septic systems).
  • Distributing Agricultural Best Management Practices Information
    • Certain outdated agricultural/livestock practices are a major source of excess nutrients, sedimentation, and E. coli pollution.
  • Communication with local school districts to create educational opportunities for students to learn about our watershed.
  • Hosting various speakers at our monthly membership meetings who share information about their organization, research, current events, best management practices, etc.
  • Lending out copies of the Upper Pine River Watershed Management Plan
  • Obtaining permits to reopen Confluence Drain 96 (Honeyoye Creek)
  • Establishing connections with local governments and organizations.
    • City of Alma, City of Saint Louis, State of Michigan, Gratiot Conservation District, Pine River Watershed Advisory Council, Forest Hill Nature Area, MSU Gratiot Extention, Farm Bureau, Michigan Environmental Council, River Network, and more.